Tuesday, July 14, 2009


So, I haven't written in a while. Lightning ran in on our computer as well as striking a tree which of course fell over and then damaged our fence. Luckily, there was no structural damage to our house. This all happened at the end of May. We just fixed our fence and bought a new computer last week. So, please forgive me for being slack with my blog. I finished taking my Spanish class. It flew by, lasting only six weeks. I enjoyed it, and I plan to continue honing my Spanish skills. I am working on building my vocabulary. I am enjoying the summer break from work. My kids are very much keeping me very busy. I am writing this now as they are napping.

In the last few days I have been watching home improvement television, and I so want to be on any tv show that will help me remodel or redesign any or every room in our house. We have been trying to make our backyard prettier and cleaner after the tree fell down (however, the chopped-down tree is still in the backyard). I am inspired to do all of these home improvement projects, but time and money are hindering me. It is fascinating how 2 and a half year old twins and a three and a half year old can keep you from completing the most menial of tasks. I tried planting marigolds in the backyard because my 3 and a half year old kept wanting to water the marigolds (as seen on Max and Ruby, for all of you Noggin watchers). So I bought some marigolds and thought we could have a fun activity of planting the marigolds. This turned into everyone pouring water in the dirt, and not so gently removing the marigolds from the cartons. Everyone dug with their "shubbles" and dirt was everywhere including my son's heiny, because he, along with his sisters decided to parade naked in the backyard. It was preschool mud wrestling at its finest.

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