Saturday, April 18, 2009

Albert Ingalls

I was really joking when I sent my sister an email and told her I was going to make a blog about the show Little House on the Prairie. For the last week we have been emailing each other with dialogue from the shows and episodes that were especially notable. I found myself laughing hysterically. Being a child of the eighties, I watched that show a lot...reruns, new beginning episodes. When we got cable television, Little House was a staple program on WTBS. The show is ingrained in my brain. For the longest time, I believed that all pioneers boys had cool 70s hair just like Albert and Willie. I don't really like to admit it, but I would probably sit down right now and watch an episode even though I have already seen it 100 times. I know my sister and I aren't the only ones out there who have a secret affinity for Little House. So sister, will you just settle for my posting about our beloved show? Could I actually fill an entire blog with all that random pioneer wisdom?

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